Rich T’s Radio Show
Presented by Rich-T
Sunday Night Live! Yes, Rich-T is on your radio every Sunday from 19:00 UK time with a packed show full of features - get involved... richt@liferightradio.com
closeSunday Night Live! Yes, Rich-T is on your radio every Sunday from 19:00 UK time with a packed show full of features - get involved... richt@liferightradio.com
closeEach week, Jonathan Charles hosts a show which brings you the warm, crackly sound of vinyl - all the music is played from seven and twelve inch records. Every show has a theme and all the tracks are connected to it. He plays and discusses the music with his teenage son, Max.
close50 Years of Pop presents a range of eclectic music from the 50’s to the end of the 90’s, all wrapped up with info and chat from host Peter Kirkpatrick. Join him for his eclectic taste in music, and my slightly different sense of humour to a new wider audience, presenting music from 1950 to 2000, mainly pop, sometimes not, with chatter and banter in between.
closeOvernight is another world... a world of truckers, factory workers, shelf-fillers, bakers, airport workers, security guards, hotel staff, firefighters, emergency services, warehouse workers, posties, and so on... All those people need something great to listen to and we have it on Life Right Radio - kicking off at midnight and going through until 7. And just like during the day, you won't hear any ads, just great music, all the time.
closeThe perfect accompaniment, whether you are at home or work, as we play the very best mix of music that you don't hear all the time, we have no ads and our 'no repeat guarantee' means you don't hear the same songs over and over, like on many commercial stations. Listen live and remind yourself how radio should sound.
closeBecause we know you want to listen to the music, not 25% of each hour given up to adverts and other stuff, that's why we do what we do and why people love what we do.
closeThe best hand-picked anthems, for whatever you are doing between 4-6 each afternoon